Thursday, June 18, 2009

My Man-Pants

Today I shopped for Man-Pants. They gave me a men's work shirt, but I still needed uniform pants and so during today's shift another officer took me shopping (paid for shopping = win). However, apparently it is ridiculously difficult to find women's work pants --and then when you finally are able to find them they're significantly more expensive. So, seeing as everyone's on a tight budget these days, I sucked it up and got some cheap Man-Pants from Wal-mart. At first I thought it'd be fine but I was wrong. I hate my Man-Pants. They are quite uncomfortable. Yet fortunately or unfortunately I have a sneaking suspicion that my job will supply me with larger concerns in order to distract me from the comfort level of my uniform.

For example, I touched my first two dead things today: a rabbit and a bird.

The rabbit was first... it was... open. And it was at my old elementary school; actually, it was on the corner where I used to be one of those crossing guard helpers. I felt like stopping in to show some of my old teachers my recent accomplishment, but oddly enough I hardly think that it would have improved my chances of getting hired on as a teacher there.

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