Friday, August 28, 2009

The Story I Didn't Want To Write

Also known as The Day I Cried.

So I see roadkill every day, but I never thought that I'd actually be the one creating my own. (I guess on the bright side I already had the bags and shovel with me.)

I was in a nice neighbourhood on my way to get a squirrel when this little girl was walking her adorable little golden retriever puppy when it somehow got away from her and--

Ok I'm totally kidding (shame on me, that was horrible).

But I would have cried in that story too.

Actually, this story doesn't involve roadkill at all.

I was picking up a big beautiful boxer from a vet clinic who'd just been neutered. He was a gorgeous dog but he'd snapped off a nail on his way into the clinic and, on top of the neuter, his front paw was all bandaged up.

I take him to the grass to do his business (he does nothing), load him into the van, and off we go back to the Humane Society. Well, as it turns out, my not so little friend had to tinkle after all. Actually, boxers aren't small dogs. It was more like a pressurized hose on full blast going off for about two full minutes in the back of my van. Thankfully, the dog was in a crate with a lip on it so it's not like the urine was all over the van.

But back at the Centre when I opened the trunk, there he was -sitting in a pool of pee. I tried my best to contain the mess. The poor guy was just neutered and the pee was... well, we'll go with a bit 'discoloured'. And for those of you who are unaware, male urine smells much worse than that of females. I laid a garbage bag between the back of the van and the front of the crate to line his exit route for an easy clean up.

Not too bad of a plan I thought.

But what've we learned about my plans so far? Yea.. this one didn't really work out either.

So the dog -covered in urine- rushes to get out of the van. Now don't forget his bandaged paw has done a nice job soaking up a lot of pee, as if the rest of him wasn't coated enough.

He scampers.

Pee splashes..


Including in my face.

Yes -I had a freshly neutered dog's urine in my face.

And then no one was coming out to get the dog so I had to stand there leash in one hand, radio in the other, and just wait for someone until I could go in and wash/scrub/coat in sanitizer my face.

It was just a bad day. When I came home (yes living at home again... I get minimum wage, what else can you expect) and my mom asked me how my day was. I was just exhausted and I explained what happened, knowing it would be funny in the future so it kind of came out in a upset crying/laughing jumble... Which then resulted in an awkward hug as my mom was trying to balance the knowledge of 'my daughter needs a hug right now' versus the 'my daughter is covered in dog urine right now so I really don't want to touch her'.

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