Tuesday, September 1, 2009

I Come Prepared

Today I was looking for a dead cat on the corner of a particularly busy intersection.

Intersections essentially make a square, and I am to locate a dead cat. This seems excessively simple -yet the folly of many intersections is that they have not one, but four corners. So crossing the street to check around a busy area I sometimes find myself playing a life-sized game of frogger.

Barely making it safely across the street once, I meet a man who offers to help me "look for the loose dog". However, after informing him that.. unless he really wants to help me find and pick up a dead cat, I can probably take care of it... assuming I can get back across the street safely. He does, however, offer to pick me off the side of the road should I get hit on my way back to my vehicle.

Part way across the street some car zips around the corner just missing me. I hear the guy on the sidewalk gasp while I find myself laughing at the potential irony of the entire situation and so I holler back to inform the guy that I've got a shovel in the back of my van in case he needs it.

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